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Sunday, 1 April 2012

Spring Fever

Do you find that as Spring begins to unfurl, that an irresistible urge to sweep, clean and organize likewise begins to unfurl within you?  I do and, lately, I have been on a mission.  Now, one thing that has long bothered me was the state of my kitchen drawers.  Cooking, a task that requires a great deal of fortitude on my part, meant a mad scramble for a spoon or a spatula.  Now, it came to me that I would very much like a vintage crock to hold my kitchen utensils.  But I have never seen one whilst out thrifting and the ones in Williams-Sonoma just looked too shiny, too bright, too...new.  Then what do I see in a junk shop?  A vintage crock!  And not just any crock but one that actually says, "Kitchen Utensils" on it!

Then, shortly thereafter, in a completely different thrift shop, in a faraway town, what do I come across but a matching tiny little crock for pork drippings.  The little crock has a more recent birthday than it's larger sibling but I don't mind.  I had heard of grease jars but had never come across a crock for pork drippings until now.   Of course, to get the pork drippings or bacon grease there has to be some cooking with said pork or bacon.  Not only was a kitchen utensil crock on my wish list but a cast iron fry pan.  And what do I spot on a shelf?  A cast iron fry pan all nicely seasoned.

I admit that this cast iron fry pan has been a revelation to me.  It has amazing heat retention and its non-stick qualities means I can avoid the dangerous siren call of Teflon.  Here it is with a pork roast surrounded by parsnips courtesy of Monsieur's culinary prowess.  It was all prepared in the one pan.

I admit that whenever I use this fry pan I want to sing "Home On The Range."  Life slows down, quiets down until all I hear is the soothing sizzle of food cooking and the beating of my heart.


Angie @ Knick of Time said...

I think crocks make great holders for utensils too - it keeps them from becoming a jumbled mess in a drawer and they are readily accessible.

There are about 100 other things I'd rather do than cook, so might as well make the task as simple as possible!

Angie @ Knick of Time

Anonymous said...

I loveeee those crocks!!!

suzieQ said...

Well, didn't you hit the hat trick of thrifting...all your wishes granted.

Cristina Garay said...

How lucky of you to find those crocks! They are super cute and they look like a set from a high end store! I'm stopping by from Table Top Tuesday. I'm now following.


Pam Kessler said...

My neighbor when I was little used to have a can of grease she kept on the stove. That would sort of gross me out now, but back then I never thought of it. That roast looks yummy!

chateau chic said...

My son just bought a cast iron skillet (new) and swears that everything tastes sooo much better cooked in it.
Looks like you have a tasty meal there cooking.
Mary Alice

momto8 said...

I am slowly becoming a thrift store fan because of things like the crocks you just found!!! I got a sugar bowl for .50 that was $19.99 in Target.....I am happy with my little find!
i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
I use my cast iron a lot...for the extra iron too!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh I love your crocks. They are fabulous. Love the drippings one, I havn't seen that saying before, but so appropriate. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

Chari at Happy To Design said...


I love crocks! What a great treasure find...especially when you have been looking for awhile! I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of cooking in cast iron but your dinner looks fabulous!

I just wanted to stop by to say thank you for coming by and leaving such a sweet note! I sooo enjoyed your visit, my friend!

Warmest spring wishes,

Unknown said...

I know exactly what you mean about getting the urge to spring clean! How amazing that you should be able to match up your little pots,it adds such a joy household routines when you are organized and surrounded by beauty, great little finds!

The French Hutch said...

I also have a cast iron pan. I love cooking with it. Great crocks to adorn the cook area. I love the way they look, and they add a lot of charm. The roast looks delish!
Happy Easter to you and yours.

The French Hutch

Diann said...

Love your crocks. I am also in the whole Spring cleaning mode. And when that feeling hits, I have to go with it. Thank you for sharing at TTF and Happy Easter!

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