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Saturday, 12 December 2020

Blogmas Day 12 Indoor Herb Gardens

 Welcome to Blogmas Day 12!  We have all seen the rise in popularity of gardening this year.  Sadly, I don't have a garden or outdoor space to partake in this hobby but I didn't let that stop me.  I have tried umpteen times to grow herbs indoors.  I have tried growing them from seeds and cuttings and buying them fully grown but my attempts always fizzled.  However, when I saw potted herbs for sale at my local grocery store this summer, I decided to try again.

Several months on and I am happy to report that my basil plant is still going strong.  It is saving me a fortune and I always have fresh basil leaves at hand.  Having plants to look after helps me to feel less disconnected to nature as I shelter in place.  I will say that the trick for me was to have it by a window getting as much fresh air as possible during the summer months.  As well, when choosing one, check the leaves closely for signs of insect infestation.  Take it from me, I have purchased potted herbs in the past and brought them home only to discover that they were completely riddled with bugs.  There isn't any point in spraying them with insecticide because then you are left with a herb plant that you can't eat.  You also want to choose one that looks healthy and has fulsome foliage.  I did get a potted thyme at the same time as the basil but it died within 48 hours. I think that set a record for how quickly I had a plant die on me. I should have known better as it was looking a little on the crispy side.   It was the only one on offer at the time so I didn't have much choice.  Basil is a heavy drinker and requires frequent watering.  However, if your basil plant looks limp and droopy, a good soaking will perk it up very quickly.  The delicious fragrance of its leaves certainly beats any artificial air freshener hands down.

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